Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
29 September 2011


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Virginia Hawkins
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8544






1.    Introduction, apologies and substitutions 



2.    Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales - Evidence from Cardiff University (09:00 - 09:50)  (Pages 1 - 9)

E&S(4)-05-11 paper 1

Dr Richard Cowell, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Planning and Policy



3.    Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales - Evidence from Cardiff Business School (09:50 - 10:40)  (Pages 10 - 26)

E&S(4)-05-11 paper 2

Dr Calvin Jones, Welsh Economy Research Unit



4.    Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales - Evidence from the Royal Town Planning Institute Cymru (10:40 - 11:30)  (Pages 27 - 31)

E&S(4)-05-11 paper 3

Dr Roisin Willmott, National Director



5.    Common Fisheries Policy Task and Finish Group - Agreement of terms of reference (11:30 - 11:35)  (Pages 32 - 33)

E&S(4)-05-11 paper 4



6.    Common Agriculture Policy Task and Finish Group - Agreement of terms of reference (11:35 - 11:40)  (Pages 34 - 36)

E&S(4)-05-11 paper 5

